Sexual Abuse - Law Offices of Owen, Patterson and Owen



Owen, Patterson & Owen Holds Sexual Abusers Accountable

If you, a family member, or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse in California or elsewhere in the U.S., turn to the experienced and compassionate personal injury attorneys at Owen, Patterson & Owen (OPO) for help.

National and Statewide Help for Victims of Sexual Abuse

Every 9 minutes, a child’s innocence is stolen through sexual assault. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that an estimated one out of four girls and one out of 13 boys experience sexual abuse at one point during their childhood. Sadly, thirty percent of incidents of sexual abuse are never reported. This lack of reporting allows countless perpetrators to continue to be unaccountable for their actions, putting thousands of children at risk for abuse.

If you’re wondering if you should hire a lawyer, consider this: you owe it to your children. The only way they will receive justice, or the medical treatment they need is through a lawsuit settlement. When a child is sexually abused, there are two factors at hand: physical trauma and emotional trauma.

While the physical scars may eventually heal, the emotional effects can last a lifetime. Because your child’s trust has been compromised, it changes how they perceive the world around them. This mistrust affects their relationships, their professional endeavors, and their overall mental health. For this reason, it’s crucial to seek the compensation your child needs so they can begin to heal from this tragedy. A large part of our role at OPO is to ensure not only the physical well-being of our clients but also the mental and emotional.

Offering a Compassionate Approach to Law

The concerned sexual abuse injury lawyers at OPO have aggressively protected the rights and safety of sexual molestation victims in public schools. We pursue child predators or internet solicitors who prey on children and successfully obtain maximum compensation for our clients. The monetary consequences of their sexual misconduct send a loud and clear message that there is zero-tolerance for sexual abuse.

Your pain is our pain. Before we’re lawyers, we’re human beings with emotions and families of our own to nourish and protect. That’s why when a sexual abuse victim or parent enters our doors; they will receive nothing less than the best possible service and a compassionate ear to assuage their pain.

Senior Partner Greg Owen represented 14 young victims of the Miramonte Elementary Child Sexual Abuse Case and helped obtain a $30 million global settlement.

OPO represented multiple victims of the First Lutheran Church of Carson Child Sex Abuse Scandal.

For a free legal consultation with a sexual abuse lawyer serving Southern California, call 800-672-5295

Committed to Ending Child Sexual Abuse and Protecting Children’s Rights

In 2007, Rick Patterson, funding partner of OPO, worked diligently to protect sexual abuse victims and was honored by the Santa Clarita Valley Bar Association for his efforts. He initiated a lawsuit to obtain an injunction against Jack McClellan, a self-proclaimed pedophile who posted pictures of young girls in Santa Clarita on his internet website with details on where to find them.

Mr. Patterson also worked closely with former Assemblyman Cameron Smyth on Assembly Bill 534, which makes surrogate stalking a misdemeanor. This bill means the courts would charge any individual who publishes photos, physical descriptions, or children’s locations to help a pedophile commit a crime against a child with a misdemeanor. Consequently, the protections won in the lawsuit were made permanent after the bill was signed into law by then-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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    If you, a family member, or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse in California or elsewhere in the U.S., turn to the experienced and compassionate personal injury attorneys at Owen Patterson & Owen (OPO) for help.

    National and Statewide Help for Victims of Sexual Abuse

    Every 9 minutes, a child’s innocence is stolen through sexual assault. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that an estimated one out of four girls and one out of 13 boys experience sexual abuse at one point during their childhood. Sadly, thirty percent of incidents of sexual abuse are never reported. This lack of reporting allows countless perpetrators to continue to be unaccountable for their actions, putting thousands of children at risk for abuse.

    If you’re wondering if you should hire a lawyer, consider this: you owe it to your children. The only way they will receive justice, or the medical treatment they need is through a lawsuit settlement. When a child is sexually abused, there are two factors at hand: physical trauma and emotional trauma.

    While the physical scars may eventually heal, the emotional effects can last a lifetime. Because your child’s trust has been compromised, it changes how they perceive the world around them. This mistrust affects their relationships, their professional endeavors, and their overall mental health. For this reason, it’s crucial to seek the compensation your child needs so they can begin to heal from this tragedy. A large part of our role at OPO is to ensure not only the physical well-being of our clients but also the mental and emotional.

    Offering a Compassionate Approach to Law

    The concerned sexual abuse injury lawyers at OPO have aggressively protected the rights and safety of sexual molestation victims in public schools. We pursue child predators or internet solicitors who prey on children and successfully obtain maximum compensation for our clients. The monetary consequences of their sexual misconduct send a loud and clear message that there is zero-tolerance for sexual abuse.

    Your pain is our pain. Before we’re lawyers, we’re human beings with emotions and families of our own to nourish and protect. That’s why when a sexual abuse victim or parent enters our doors; they will receive nothing less than the best possible service and a compassionate ear to assuage their pain.

    Senior Partner Greg Owen represented 14 young victims of the Miramonte Elementary Child Sexual Abuse Case and helped obtain a $30 million global settlement.

    OPO represented multiple victims of the First Lutheran Church of Carson Child Sex Abuse Scandal.

    For a free legal consultation with a sexual abuse lawyer serving Southern California, call 800-672-5295

    Committed to Ending Child Sexual Abuse and Protecting Children’s Rights

    Attorney Rick Patterson works diligently to protect sex abuse victims. In 2007, he was honored by The Santa Clarita Valley Bar Association in a lawsuit he initiated (with his own daughter as the plaintiff) to obtain an injunction against Jack McClellan, a self-proclaimed pedophile who posted pictures of young girls in Santa Clarita on his internet website with details on where to find them.

    Mr. Patterson also worked closely with former Assemblyman Cameron Smyth on Assembly Bill 534, which makes surrogate stalking a misdemeanor. This bill means the courts would charge any individual who publishes photos, physical descriptions, or children’s locations to help a pedophile commit a crime against a child with a misdemeanor. Consequently, the protections won in the lawsuit were made permanent after the bill was signed into law by then-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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      The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.


      To make informed decisions, you should be as knowledgeable as possible on the subject of sexual abuse. If you’re a parent who fears that your child has been sexually abused, our attorneys can discuss some of these warning signs:

      • Uncharacteristic regressive behaviors
      • Increased aggression
      • Signs of physical trauma such as bleeding or bruising
      • Trouble sleeping
      • Nightmares
      • Loss of appetite or change in eating habits
      • Decreased interest in school, friends, and social activities

      Sexual abuse amounts to the betrayal of a defenseless person’s sacred trust at the individual relationship and institutional levels. We handle abuse cases by clergy, teachers, in foster care, and at adult group homes. We don’t just hold coaches and daycare workers who have committed sex crimes against children responsible. We also go after their employers or sponsoring organizations, so they are also held fully liable.

      Whether you were a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a trusted authority figure or roving internet predator, you should seek professional help immediately. We can explain and help you combat the long-term effects of abuse while working hard to seek full financial compensation for your case.

      Sexual abuse doesn’t discriminate. Victims come in all ages, sizes, races, and religious affiliations and can also be disabled. Regardless of whether you have been mistreated or sexually abused once or repeatedly, we want to talk to you so we can help get justice for you and your family.

      Help us hold the abuser or abusers in your life responsible. Unlawful sexual conduct should be exposed and punished to prevent this abuse from happening to other children. Our track record of success in litigating similar civil claims is well documented. We can help your family too, in California and nationwide.

      Notable Cases

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      Sexual Abuse
      Attorney Today
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      Learn About Your Rights and Legal Options

      Start with a Free Consultation. Call Owen, Patterson & Owen at 800-676-5295 or contact us to schedule a meeting to discuss your adolescent sexual abuse case with an experienced attorney.

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