Wrongful Termination - Law Offices of Owen, Patterson and Owen



Results for Victims of Wrongful Termination in California

You’ve dedicated hours upon hours to your employer—and then your worst fear comes to fruition. Your boss calls you into his office and informs you that they’re letting you go. From anger and sadness to hurt and betrayal, you may be feeling a mix of emotions.

Even as an at-will employee, meaning your employer can terminate you at any time, for any reason, the abrupt loss of a job can be a devastating blow to you and your family. Your personal and family budget, self-confidence, and lifestyle routine are all immediately thrown into chaos, causing feelings of powerlessness, confusion, and frustration. Amid an uncertain state and national economy, these emotions are understandable.

Since 1977, our wrongful termination lawyers have earned a national reputation for bringing hope to those who have wrongfully lost their employment. If you were dismissed from your job for mysterious or non-existent reasons, we are prepared to take intense legal action on your behalf.

If you suspect your job dismissal was due to wrongful termination, our skilled California employment law attorneys at Owen, Patterson & Owen (OPO) can help you determine if you have a case.

For a free legal consultation with a wrongful termination lawyer serving Southern California, call 800-672-5295

Why Hire an Owen, Patterson & Owen Wrongful Termination Attorney

Just like personal injury cases, no two law firms are alike. Here is how our approach differs from other law firms:

  • We don’t just talk about the results we can get for our clients. We deliver on our promises. To date, a $175,000 settlement for an employment law case.
  • As an award-winning firm with nearly 50 years of experience and a depth of expertise in employment law, you can be confident that your wrongful termination case is in good hands when choosing our law firm.
  • Our wrongful termination lawyers go beyond the call of duty to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation available. We always focus on doing what many attorneys don’t and intensify our efforts when others fall short. Whether you’re sharing the details of your case or simply want to unveil your grievances, we listen carefully to the information you disclose to us.
  • Our relationship starts with a free consultation. At this meeting, you have the opportunity to discuss the circumstances surrounding your termination. An attorney will then review your case details and advise the best legal options for your situation. They will also help you understand your rights, so you leave our office feeling empowered and informed.
  • To accommodate the financial challenges you may be experiencing, we will not charge you unless we win or settle your case.

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    You’ve dedicated hours upon hours to your employer — and then your worst fear comes to fruition. Your boss calls you into his office and informs you that they’re letting you go. From anger and sadness to hurt and betrayal, you may be feeling a mix of emotions.

    Even as an at-will employee, meaning your employer can terminate you at any time, for any reason, the abrupt loss of a job can be a devastating blow to you and your family. Your personal and family budget, self-confidence, and lifestyle routine are all immediately thrown into chaos, causing feelings of powerlessness, confusion, and frustration. Amid an uncertain state and national economy, these emotions are understandable.

    Since 1977, our wrongful termination lawyers have earned a national reputation for bringing hope to those who have lost their employment wrongfully. If you were dismissed from your job for mysterious or non-existent reasons, we are prepared to take intense legal action on your behalf.

    If you suspect your job dismissal was due to wrongful termination, our skilled California employment law attorneys at Owen, Patterson & Owen (OPO) can help you determine if you have a case.

    For a free legal consultation with a wrongful termination lawyer serving Southern California, call 800-672-5295

    Why Hire an Owen, Patterson & Owen Wrongful Termination Attorney

    Just like personal injury cases, no two law firms are alike. Here is how our approach differs from other law firms:

    • We don’t just talk about the results we can get for our clients. We deliver on our promises. To date, a $175,000 settlement for an employment law case.
    • As an award-winning firm with nearlyn 50 years of experience and a depth of expertise in employment law, you can be confident that your wrongful termination case is in good hands when choosing our law firm.
    • Our wrongful termination lawyers go beyond the call of duty to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation available. We always focus on doing what many attorneys don’t and intensify our efforts when others fall short. Whether you’re sharing the details of your case or simply want to unveil your grievances, we listen carefully to the information you disclose to us.
    • Our relationship starts with a free consultation. At this meeting, you have the opportunity to discuss the circumstances surrounding your termination. An attorney will then review your case details and advise the best legal options for your situation. They will also help you understand your rights, so you leave our office feeling empowered and informed.
    • To accommodate the financial challenges you may be experiencing, we will not charge you unless we win or settle your case.

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      The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.


      Types of Wrongful Termination Cases We Handle

      Whether you were the victim of a breach of contract or laid off due to a personal injury accident, you have legal recourse. We want to see you regain productive employment as soon as possible. Our experienced lawyers want to hear from you if you feel you lost your job because of:
      • Discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, disability, or pregnancy.
      • Sexual Harassment.
      • Whistleblower Retaliation.
      • FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) Disputes.
      • Wage-Hour Issues.
      • Overtime Disputes.

      Wrongful Termination Laws in California

      The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reported that there were 72,675 job discrimination charges in 2019. Under California law, wrongful termination occurs when an employer fires an employee for illegal reasons or in violation of a contract. If an employee has been terminated due to discrimination, the violation of public policy, a refusal to commit unlawful acts, or complaints about illegal workplace practices, they are considered to have been wrongfully terminated and have grounds for a wrongful termination claim.

      How a Wrongful Termination Lawyer Helps Manage Your Case

      You have enough concerns without having to worry about adding another task to your to-do list, especially one as mentally and emotionally taxing as filing a wrongful termination claim. We handle all aspects of the claim process, including explaining your legal options, investigating your claim, negotiating with the responsible parties, and litigating aggressively to protect your interests.

      Damages in A Wrongful Termination Case

      Being wrongfully terminated from your job can dramatically impact the future of you and your family. Whether you’re the head of a household with a family that depends on you or you simply provide a second income for your household, the financial brunt of a job loss can set you back substantially. A wrongful termination lawyer can help you get the compensation you need to get your life back on track.
      • Lost wages and benefits—This may include compensation for pay and the value of any benefits the employee could have expected to earn had a wrongful termination not occurred as well as any overtime or other compensation the employee is owed. Compensation for lost wages has two components: back pay and front pay. Back pay is calculated from the date your employment ended until the time of the trial. Front pay, on the other hand, is economic damages paid for the time between the court judgment and the time you return to work.
      • Emotional Distress—An unlawful job dismissal can be a traumatic and painful experience, not to mention humiliating. As a result, you can be compensated for any mental anguish, anxiety, depression, or loss of enjoyment you suffered as a result of unlawfully losing your job.
      • Punitive damages—On rare occasions, an employee can receive compensation for punitive damages in response to the employer’s behavior and is not contingent upon actual economic losses. In order to qualify for this compensation, the employer must be found guilty of retaliation or discrimination with the conscious knowledge that they violated the law.

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      Wrongful Termination
      Attorney Today
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      Learn About Your Rights and Legal Options

      Start with a Free Consultation. Call Owen, Patterson & Owen at 800-676-5295 or contact us to schedule a meeting to discuss your wrongful termination case and how our experienced attorneys can help.

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