OPO Admin - Law Offices of Owen, Patterson and Owen

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At Fault Car Accident Attorney: What You Need to Know

Being “at fault” in an auto accident carries significant consequences that can affect your legal standing, financial well-being, and even your insurance premiums. When you are determined to be the responsible party in a collision, you may find yourself dealing with...

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Why You Need a Motorcycle Wreck Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents can be life-altering events, often leaving victims with severe injuries and daunting medical expenses. In such cases, having the right legal representation is crucial to ensuring that your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation....

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No Fault Car Accident Lawyers: What You Need to Know

In a no-fault car accident and unsure if you need a lawyer? This article explains no-fault insurance, what it covers, and when to hire a no fault car accident lawyer to secure your compensation. Additionally, consulting with no-fault car accident lawyers can help you...

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What Happens When Someone Files a Bodily Injury Claim

What happens when someone files a bodily injury claim? A bodily injury claim is filed when someone seeks compensation for injuries caused directly or indirectly by another party, either through wrongdoing or negligence. When someone files a bodily injury claim, you...

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When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Deciding when to hire a personal injury lawyer can be critical to your claim's success. Personal injury cases are both delicate and time-sensitive, so reaching out for legal representation at the right time is key.  From disputed liability to dealing with opposing...

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How Long Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take? 

Avid bikers will agree that whenever the opportunity presents itself, two wheels are a lot better than four. There’s little that beats the feeling of rushing past orchards and fields through country roads, with the sun on the horizon. Whether you’re riding through...

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When is a Pedestrian at Fault for a Car Accident?

When is a pedestrian at fault for a car accident? Under quite a few circumstances, it turns out.  Drivers are taught to respect everyone else on the road but to take special care when driving around pedestrians. This makes sense – when a car collides with a person, it...

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7 Things You Should Never Do Following an Auto Accident

A car accident can be a traumatic experience. It can be hard to follow protocol or remember all the things you’re supposed to do. Do you need to give out your vehicle registration number, or just your license plate number? Does the other party need to know who your...

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I Was a Passenger in an Uber Accident. What Should I Do?

“I was a passenger in an Uber accident, and I'm not sure what to do next.” Has this ever applied to you? Then you’ll want to read on. Uber drivers are not employees of Uber, but both drivers and passengers are entitled to a certain level of insurance once a ride is...

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What are the 5 Most Common Motorcycle Accidents? 

Motorcycles can be a dangerous hobby. The statistics prove it; when it comes to car vs. motorcycle accidents, motorcycles tend to get into trouble more often. Not that it’s their fault. The most common motorcycle accidents generally occur due to unfavorable road...

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What Hazards Might a Motorcyclist Encounter?

What hazards might a motorcyclist encounter? There are about ten million registered private and commercial motorcycles in the United States, and roughly ten times as many registered automobiles on the road. Riding a motorcycle can be a dangerous endeavor on its own,...

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How to Maximize Your Car Accident Settlement 

Car accidents are some of the most devastating and traumatic injury events. While modern cars are a great deal safer than automobiles of the past, a car accident can and too often does leave a person with lasting injuries, chronic pain, and disability – in fact,...

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I Got Hit by a Car as a Pedestrian. What’s Next?

I got hit by a car as a pedestrian: The average car weighs over four thousand pounds. Even well below the speed limit, that amount of weight coming your way can result in catastrophic injuries – and too often, an early and painful death. If you’ve been hit by a car,...

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5 Accidents that Require a Premises Liability Lawyer

Accidents happen every day. They can be expensive – not just in terms of property damage, but also in terms of medical expenses, emotional trauma, or even the incalculable loss of life. When accidents occur, it is important to establish responsibility in a legal...

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F is For Family

Thanksgiving has long been my favorite holiday, and this year, we have so much to be thankful for. We are so thankful for our families, and when we go around the Thanksgiving table this year to say what we each are thankful for, I already have my answer. First is our...

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Who is Going to Pay My Medical Bills After an Accident?

In these times of financial uncertainty, many have been forced to let their health insurance lapse, hoping they won't need medical care during the period they are uninsured. Unfortunately, the inattentive driver on his cellphone may have other plans for you. Your...

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“It was only a fender bender”

Simple Fender Bender Car Accidents Can Have Hidden Damages A "fender bender" involving a vehicle manufactured in 2022 is far different than an accident involving an older vehicle. What does that phrase even mean? Literally, it refers to an accident that is so minor...

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Don’t Leave Home Without It

An Experienced Auto Accident Attorney Can Help Maximize Your Settlement "This is nothing compared to the pain I have gone through!" "I was in a horrible accident, and this is all I get?" How do you, as a driver on the road, prevent this from becoming your reality...

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Do I Need a Lawyer for a Dog Bite in California?

A Guide to Making an Informed Choice in the State of California on Hiring a Dog Bite Lawyer Perhaps nothing is more lovable than a dog. They are playful, loyal, and always eager to please. What’s not to love? Unfortunately, like any other animal, dogs sometimes snap...

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Faulty Sports Equipment Can Lead to Serious Injury

Potential Serious Injuries to Children from Faulty Sports Equipment If your child is playing a sport, you need to make sure his or her equipment is maintained and in good working condition.  This is especially true if the equipment is for safety, such as a helmet....

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Staying Safe While Playing Sports

Sports provide great exercise and enjoyment for many, especially for children, teens and young adults. Organized sports are also a great way for these age groups to contribute to a team effort and see goals achieved through practice and determination. Safety Tips for...

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Amusement Park Accidents are Anything but Amusing

Whether you are an adrenaline junkie or just seeking a family-friendly day out, Southern California is home to many beloved amusement and theme parks with just about everything for the young and the young at heart. Guests enjoy an alternative universe that puts them...

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4 Most Common Water Sports Injuries

In sunny Southern California, there’s an almost endless array of outdoor activities to keep us occupied. When the temperature heats up, a lot of these activities include water sports. Yet even the most mellow of these sports, like wakeboarding, can result in a serious...

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Understanding Elder Abuse & Neglect

The Senior Population is Rising According to the United States 2010 Census, the United States reached a record-breaking number and proportion of people age 65 and older in all of census history, recording 40.3 million, or 13% of the total population. This “Boomer...

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Harley Davidson Burn Lawsuit

Four California bikers claim their Harley Davidson motorcycles were defectively designed because their engines ran so hot as to pose a constant danger of being burned and were therefore not fit for their intended use. Phillip Johnson, Jimmy Aldridge, Matthew Weyuker,...

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5 Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

We all want the very best for our loved ones, especially elderly parents, grandparents, or other relatives that have played a special role in our lives.  While many seniors prefer to remain independent and live in their own homes as long as possible, there may come a...

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Top Driving Distractions: In and Outside of the Vehicle

A driver’s ability to safely get from one place to another can be greatly hindered by distractions. When a driver’s attention is diverted for more than 2 seconds, the risk of a crash greatly increases. You’ve heard the warning before to stay off your phone when you...

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Travel is becoming more common after over two years of isolation. We can barely stand the excitement when adventure awaits. When we go to different places, whether in this state, across the country, or across an ocean, we expect every aspect of the trip to go exactly...

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The Question of Fault

The driver turned right on the green light at the intersection of Main Street and ABC Street. She had just straightened her vehicle in the right lane on Main Street, now heading west after making her turn. She did not see that someone had just gone through the yellow...

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“Q & A with OPO” By Susy Owen, Managing Partner

1. Name of business and what you provide to the community: Owen, Patterson & Owen (OPO) is located in the heart of SCV on Valencia Boulevard across from the courthouse. We take care of our neighbors, friends, and all of Santa Clarita when they have been injured in...

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“Not the Suing Kind”? Here’s a Different Perspective

Suffering a Personal Injury from an Accident Owen, Patterson & Owen is a personal injury law firm. We represent injury victims when someone else is at fault. The injured person may have been hurt in a car accident when her boyfriend ran a red light, bitten by the...

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A Place To Call Home

At Home in Santa Clarita The Santa Clarita Valley became my home decades ago, well before there was a Valencia Town Center, a Westridge, or such a thing as a Super Walmart. Valencia High School was the “new” high school on the horizon, and I was a young lawyer with a...

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What is a Contingency Fee?

Contingency Fee Retainer Agreements An accident can create physical injuries, horrible emotional distress, loss of income, destruction of property, and high medical bills. You must focus on getting better, but the financial implications can be overwhelming. An injury...

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What To Do If You’re In A Car Accident

Owen, Patterson & Owen, LLP is the largest, most successful personal injury firm in the Santa Clarita Valley. Practicing for over 43 years, they take dozens of calls daily from injury victims, receiving cases worth several thousand dollars to those worth several...

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Covid-19: What About Civil Liability?

COVID-19 is affecting us all. The news worsens daily. As of the writing of this article, there are more than 7,000 confirmed cases in the United States and 3 in Santa Clarita. All medical experts indicate that we will need to deal with COV-19 for the next months, at...

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